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How to confuse a python developer – #Shorts

How to confuse a python developer – #Shorts Hello , My name is Aman and I am a Data Scientist. About Unfold Data science: This …

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3 thoughts on “How to confuse a python developer – #Shorts

  1. Sir, here one is being variable and another is value. that is why this is happening
    If both sides are with brackets() then it will show True &
    If both are separately saved in any random variable as values then also it will show true like
    print(t1==t2) # this will be true because both are saved as values in tuple form

  2. It was due to python feature of assigning and comparing multiple variable with single operator

    a,b,c==b,c,a will be false as it's comparing left positional variable to right positional variable

    Correct me if I am wrong

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