Serwis Samochodów Volvo Warszawa

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Customize target XML for Volvo CEM (MC68376+28F400)

We can modify the target XML to get faster clock speed and using fast programing for Volvo CEM or any MC683XX targets. Changes made in this video. 1. Modify the tab name to 28F400. 2. Remove speed line (faster clock speed). Write 0xD400 to 0xFFFA04 instead of old 0xD300. This change will allow to use […]

u-Link NT program Volvo CEM.

People keep on asking to get BDM NT to program the Volvo CEM since other videos has been told to do so. u-Link NT has replaced USB BDM NT and can do the programming and better. In this video, detailed diagram between u-Link NT and Volvo CEM is given. 150ohm resistor is used to enable […]


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